It's Only a Passport Photo

They say that the camera can never be lying

Although accusations of 'Fake!' are now flying

I've seen people cuter (the dead and the dying)

But it's only a passport photo

Is Frankenstein's Monster returning to haunt us?

Is Dracula's Bride hanging round just to taunt us?

Appearance appalling a definite sourpuss

But it's only a passport photo

That person you're viewing you're not recognising

Eye bags and cheek sags make that hardly surprising

Next Halloween party you'll need no disguising

But it's only a passport photo

A certified XX for future transmission

A major assignment for one keen beautician

You pray for a miracle or a magician

But it's only a passport photo

For ugliness zombies and trolls could not top you

All border control staff will certainly stop you

You should have paid somebody to Photoshop you

But it's only a passport photo