Peanut Butter Nutter

I’m a peanut butter nutter

I’m a peanut butter fan

If I was a superhero

I’d be Peanut Butter Man

Love it smooth and love it crunchy

Mixed together's tasty too

For my breakfast or my lunchy

It’s the food I choose to chew

I‘m not bothered if you see me

Stick a finger in the jar

Don't want marmalade or honey

It's my favourite by far

Beigey brown and sometimes salty

Perfect snack that’s protein packed

Such a source of satisfaction

Cures a hunger pang attack

Yummy on a scoop of ice cream

Scrumptious sandwiched with some jam

Need a peanut butter champion?

Then remember who I am

I’m a peanut butter nutter

Nothing’s better on my bread

There’s no other name I utter

When I’m asked to pick a spread