Professor Bad

About a superhero born with an unfortunate last name!

I'm Professor Bad
But I'm actually good
A superhero misunderstood
Not a Sheriff of Nottingham
More a Robin Hood

Proving you can't tell a book by its cover
If I could pick a surname
I'd choose any other
This mess is the fault of my father and mother
Really, I'm not bad at all

I help young children cross busy streets
I always offer old ladies my seat
The nicest person you ever could meet
Though as I fight for freedom in the universe
My negative title weighs me down like a curse 

Why isn't there a halo above me
As people out there clearly love me?
Honestly, I'm not bad at all

Yet I'm stuck with this problem
For the rest of my life
Mrs Bad is too
(Yes, she's my wife)
Nobody I rescue is ever impressed
To see the word 'Bad' 
Written on my chest
I'd even take a lie detector test
To show you I'm not bad at all

So don't say to me
“What's in a name?”
I'd reply
“A great deal in this superhero game”
I repeat it again and again and again
Why can't you cement it into your brain?
That villains and me are not the same
I'm Professor Bad
Kind, considerate, cool
If you think me evil
Then you've been fooled
It's safe to let me into your home or school
Because I'm good not bad at all